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My Thoughts For Spelling Bee作文
发表时间:2022-11-15 | 本文内容及图片来源于读者投稿,如有侵权请联系我们。 我要投稿

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  On Thursday, the eighteeneh of December, in SUIS—wanyuan, we had Spelling Bee Final Competiti-on! We went to the hall to hold the competition because it was very important that everyone in Grad-e Six must go to the hall to watch the competition.

  At half past ten a.m., we were holding the competition. It was very exciting. The all eighteen contes-tants were on the stage of the hall. Miss Louise and Mr Rex were sitting on the chair and giving the S-pelling Bee Words to contestants to spell. We were all very excited but also very nervous because we were so afraid to leave the competition during the earlier stage.

  I was Number Eleven. So I had some time to prepare. When Number Ten finished, my heart began to beat very quickly. One of the rules is: Each contestant has only thrity seconds to spell the word. W-hen I had no idea of the words that the teacher had given tome, I used the little spare time to guess.‘Cushion!’suddenly, Miss Louise said. I was shocked when I heard this word and I was afraid I spelt it in the wrong way. I did not want to waste any time given, and I did not care any mistakes. So I tho-ught about the word for one second and then I spoke out my mind loudly:‘C-U-S-H-I-O-N’. And t-hen Miss Louise siad‘Correct!’Everyone in 6c cheered at me. I was also very excited because I pass-ed the first turn of Spelling Bee!


  But the sad story happened at last. I lost the competition because of the word‘convenience’! I w-as very sad and diappointed when I went down the stage and then I cried. I could have spelt the wor-d but I was so careless that I missed an‘n’. Miss Louise gave me another chance, and then I spelt it again. But Miss Apple rang the bell while I was still spelling the word. Ringing the bell means this con-testant needs to leave the competition. When Miss Louise and Mr Rex said I shouid leave the compet-ition, I was shocked, Miss Dolly was shocked, Miss Daphne was shocked, and all of my classmates were shocked, too! I felt so sorry to them and it was all my mistake ... Finally, I only got the ninth positi-on! Oh no! I think I could at least in top three ...

  This is the first time for me to join the Spelling Bee Final Competition but I should not have made s-uch very little mistakes. Also here, I want to say thank you to Miss Dolly, Miss Daphne and all of my classmates. Thank you for giving me the chance, thank you for your encouragement, and thank you f-or you for the trust! Without your support, I could not have gone thus far!

  Maybe I let you disappointed because of my behavior. I did not do well in the competition. Sorry for that! If you have any advice, please tell me. Maybe I can correct the mistakes. I Hope I can do better next year!

  Thank you very much!

