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My idol -- Bill Gates作文
发表时间:2022-11-15 | 本文内容及图片来源于读者投稿,如有侵权请联系我们。 我要投稿

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  I like Bill Gates of lofty ideals, like he always confident smile.

  On October 28, 1955, Bill Gates was born in Seattle in the United States. He spent 15 years, accumulate assets up to 110 billion dollars. His life motto is: "I am a king, I can win!"

  Gates grew up like watching the world book encyclopedia. Gates often for hours to read this book, always felt strongly that, in these small words lies a magic world! He often in fantasy: the history of mankind will be more and more long, the encyclopedia of later so not will be more and more big, more and more heavy? If we can create a magic box only then big, portmanteau-like repository encyclopedia, it would be more convenient. This wonderful dream, then he realized - chip.

  Gates read more and more, want to question is becoming more and more profound. One day, he said to his classmate Carl AiDeMengDe: "instead of doing a grass in the lawn, it is better to be a plant stands on the bald hill. The oak xiaocaohu because no personality, and oak swept the sky." Since this time, he insisted on keeping a diary, write down your thoughts at any time, small age thinking as an adult. He learned early life hard-won, wrote in his diary: life is a great appointment, for a people, the most important thing in life is to keep built up by human reason, proposed by the supremacy of promise, again in another diary, he writes, perhaps, a man's life is a burning fire, a man can do, is to try my best to to salvage something from the fire. That is, the pursuit of life.

  Bill Gates' spirit will always inspire me forward!

