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发表时间:2015-12-07 | 本文内容及图片来源于读者投稿,如有侵权请联系我们。 我要投稿



  1. When the canoe __________, the boys swam a shore.

  A. leaked B. turned C. capsized D. flipped

  2. The fairy has a magic __________ that can turn naughty children into lizards.

  A. stick B. rod C. rope D. wand

  3. Mr Lee gave a _________ to the child who returned his wallet.

  A. reward B. money C. change D. receipt

  4. Edmond has to get his parents‘ _________ to go to Australia.

  A. permission B. request C. ask D. instruction

  5. We ran for __________ when it started to drizzle.

  A. protection B. shelter C. safety D. closure

  6. Father was so sleepy that he ________ off as mother was talking to him.

  A. dozed B. slipped C. seeped D. gushed

  7. Brandon groaned in __________ when he fell down.

  A. pain B. glee C. joy D. jealousy

  8. Natalie records her dreams in her __________.

  A. newspapers B. calendar C. journal D. register

  9. Kenny owns a _________ of ship.

  A. flock B. fleet C. troupe D. box

  10. Mother wears _________ to the market.

  A. heels B. pumps C. slippers D. boots

  11. Most swimmers wear _________ when they are in the water. A. goggles B. spectacles C. clips D. ribbons

  12. We take dinner in the/at __________.

  A. morning B. afternoon C. evening D. midnight

  13. Elephants can be trained easily as they have good __________.

  A. hearing B. memory C. eyesight D. sense

  14. The _________ at the soccer match cheered loudly when their team scored

  a goal.

  A. audience B. people C. students D. spectators

  15. Jenny has been ___________ of the crime she was accused of.

  A. quit B. acquitted C. released D. relieved









  1.My grandma usually (cook).

  2.Today my mother is (go) shopping.

  3. Now we are (help) Uncle Wang.

  4.What do you usually (do) on Sundays?

  5.Today he isn‘t (play) football.


  1.I see a ________(pandapandas).

  2.There is some _______(milkmilks) in the bowl.

  3.There is a ________(shirtshirts) on the bed.

  4.There are some ________(boyboys) in the room.

  5.May I have three ________(appleapples)?










  A.Happy birthday!

  B.Thank you.


  A.How are you?

  B.What’s your name?


  A.How old are you?

  B.What’s your name?


  A.How old are you?

  B.What’s this?


  A.This is my desk.

  B.Is it a monster?
