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发表时间:2015-06-26 | 本文内容及图片来源于读者投稿,如有侵权请联系我们。 我要投稿



  一、 听音选择 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。(共6小题,每小题2分。)

  ( )1. A. fine B. nine C. my D. mine

  ( )2. A. big B. box C. bag D. boy

  ( )3. A. this B. them C. these D. then

  ( )4. A. don’t B. aren’t C. can’t D. isn’t

  ( )5. A. come on B. come out C. come here D. come in

  ( )6. A. bring a book B write a book C. read a book D. borrow a book

  二、听音判断 听句子,判断所听句子是否与所看到的句子完全一致, 一致在括号内打“√”,否则打“×”,听两遍。(共6小题,每小题2分)

  ( )1. A So am I . B. Of course I am. C. I am too .

  ( )2. A. No one’s home . B. White one? C. No, not that one .

  ( )3. A I can go! B. I can too. C. We all can go.

  ( )4. A. I’ve got a cold. B. He’s got a goal. C. He’s in the sports hall.

  ( )5 A. Open the closet and see! B. Open the bag and see!

  C. Open the box and see!

  ( )6. A. Her friends call her ‘Trish’. B. We call her ‘Emmy’.

  C. My friends call me ‘Bob’.

  三、听音选择 听对话,根据对话内容,为所听问题选择最佳答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内,听两遍。(共6小题,每小题1分)

  ( )1.A.He likes winter best. B. He likes spring best. C. He likes summer best.

  ( )2. A. They’re going to have a picnic. B. They’re going to see a play. C. They’re going to travel.

  ( )3. A. Jane. B. Bill. C. Bill and Jane.

  ( )4. A. By train. B. By taxi. C. By metro.

  ( )5. A. rainy. B. snowy. C. Sunny.

  ( )6. A. He has a brush. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesn’t




  ( )1. A. China B. kick C. fine

  ( )2. A. sweater B. bread C. season

  ( )3.A.worm B. sports C. work

  ( )4.A.yellow B. cow C. brown

  五、单项填空 选出能填入句子空白处的最佳答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。


  ( )1. My sister is ___________TV.

  A. watch B. watches C. watching

  ( )2. Look, Wang Bing is stopping David. He’s _________David.

  A. in front of B. behind C. between

  ( )3. -----What is he doing? -----He ________back to class.

  A. runing B. running C. is running

  ( )4. The children are singing and dancing in the ________..

  A. sports field B. school hall C. kitchen

  ( )5. I want _______.Can you come with me, please?

  A. to go shopping B. to go shop C. go to shop

  ( )6. _________don’t you play basketball with you classmates?

  A. Where B. Why C. what

  ( )7. I know a lot about football. Now I want to learn ______about it.

  A. many B. some C. more

  ( )8. ----May I put my pen on the desk?----_________..

  A. Yes, put it. B. Yes, put them here. C. Yes, please.

  ( )9. Lucy is twelve. I’m as ________ as her.

  A. big B. old C. older

  ( )10. We visit our relatives and eat a lot of delicious food _________.

  A. at Women’s Day B. at Halloween C. at Spring Festival

  六、完成句子 根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。(共10小题,每小题1分)


  ----Excuse me, ___________ you tell me the __________ to the History Museum,please?


  This toy tiger is ___________ sister’s. Please __________it to her.


  Whose bag is ___________, hers or yours? ----____________ is.

  4.----哪部卡通你最喜欢? ----我最喜欢《猫和老鼠》

  ----__________ cartoon do you like __________? ----I like .

  5.----这个星期天你们要去干什么? ----我们要去参加歌唱比赛。

  ----What are you ___________ to do this Sunday? ----We’re going to __________ part in the singing contest.

  6.明天你们干什么? 我们去野餐。

  What are you going to do ______________? We are going to have a _____________.


  The____________ in Africa is very_____________.


  _____________ ____________ the ball in the classroom.

  9. 有许多公共标志。他们意思指不同的事。

  There are many ______________here. They____________ different things.

  10.----你今天早上什么时候起床的? -----我六点半起床的。

  ----_____________ did you _____________ up this morning? -----At half past six .



  Ⅰ Ⅱ

  ( ) 1. Your Chinese is very good. A. She’s going to buy her some flowers.

  ( ) 2. What would you like? B. No, Bob is ill.

  ( ) 3. How do you do? C. Thank you.

  ( ) 4. I like books. D. Yes, this is Liu Tao.

  ( ) 5. Sorry, I’m late. E. How do you do?

  ( ) 6. Here’s a present for you. F. Me too.

  ( ) 7. Is everyone at school today? G. Yes, we are.

  ( ) 8. Are you friends? H. Some tea, please.

  ( ) 9. Is that Liu Tao speaking? I. Thanks. It’s good.

  ( ) 10. What is she going to buy for her friend? J. That’s all right.



  ( ) 1. It’s warm and sun today. ________

  A B C D

  ( ) 2. Would you like go with us? ________

  A B C D

  ( ) 3. Does he have any brothers and sisters? ________

  A B C D

  ( ) 4. He likes listen to music and making paper boats. ________

  A B C D

  ( ) 5. There are an old watch and a new book on the desk. ________

  A B C D





  David's birthday was on a snowy day in December. He got lots of presents from his family and friend.

  His father and mother gave him a red box with a storybook in it. His mother said, “There are a lot of funny stories in it, it's good for you.”Mike, David's best friend, gave him a large
