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发表时间:2022-09-30 | 本文内容及图片来源于读者投稿,如有侵权请联系我们。 我要投稿




  ( ) 1. A.make B. cake C. lake

  二、 ( ) 2. A. fast B. fork C. far

  ( ) 3. A. chips B. chopsticks C. trousers

  ( ) 4. A. sweater B. shirt C. shorts

  ( ) 5. A.feed B.speak C. read


  ( ) 1. A.over there B.get out C.dragon boat

  ( ) 2.A.play football B.play basketballC.play tennis

  ( ) 3.A.jump far B.run fast C.swim fast

  ( ) 4.A.watch TV B.listen to music C.do


  ( ) 5.A.make a cakeB.make a planeC.make a kite


  ( ) 1.A.What's this? B.What's that?

  C.What are these?

  ( ) 2.A.Where is the bread? B.Where is it?

  C.Where is your book?

  ( ) 3.A.Is it Shangshan's ruler? B.Is this a ruler?

  C.Whose ruler is it?

  ( ) 4.A.Can your Dad swim? B.Can you swim?

  C.Can your Mum swim?

  ( ) 5.A.Can this dog run? B.Can this boy run?

  C.Can this man run?


  jump winner far friends puddle

  Sam and Amy are good_____.Amy can jump______.But Sam can't ______far.Amy is the_____.Sam can swim in the ________.




  duck shorts noddles monkey sweater draw

  shirt write bread drink






  ( )1.A:What are you doing?

  B:We are making_____cake.

  A.a B.an C.the D./

  ( )2.Please ____quiet! Your father is working.

  A.is B.am C.be D.are

  ( )3. Children,please go ____your room!

  A.in B.to C.and D.for

  ( )4.It's hard____English people to use chopsticks.

  A.with B.to C.for D.of

  ( )5.Do you use chopsticks____England?

  A.from B.in C.for D.to

  ( )6.Amy is a girl.She is playing _____flute.

  A.she B.her C.hers D./

  ( )7.My father is listening _____music.

  A.to B.for C.at D.in

  ( )8.Tom is doing _____homework.

  A.he B.his C.him D./

  ( )9.Mum ____watching TV now.

  A.am B.are C.is D.be

  ( )10.Let's make a kite____Tom.

  A.to B.for C.at D.of


  ( )1.What are those? A.Yes,it can.

  ( ) 2.What are you doing? B.Yes,I can.

  ( ) 3.Can you run fast? C.Yes,here you are.

  ( ) 4.Can I have an ice cream? D.I'm eating chips.

  ( ) 5.Can this dog run? E.They are dragoboats.














  Sam is an English boy.He is seven years old.His mother is a nurse.His father is a doctor.His grandfather is a teacher of Chinese.Sam doesn't want to be a teacher or a doctor.He is going to be a policeman.

  1.( )Sam is a/an______boy.

  A.English B.Chinese

  2.( )His father is a ________.

  A.policeman B.doctor

  3.( )His mother is a ______.

  A. teacher B.nurse

  4.His ____can speak Chinese.

  A.father B.grandfather

  5.Sam is going to be a _______.

  A.policeman B.doctor
