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发表时间:2022-10-08 | 本文内容及图片来源于读者投稿,如有侵权请联系我们。 我要投稿





  1. look cook cool 2. want what watch

  3. play polite plate 4. mouse house mouth

  5. Tuesday today Thursday



  1. 2. 3.

  ( ) ( ) ( )

  4. 5.

  ( ) ( )


  ( ) 1. A. Sarah can play football.

  B. Sarah can play basketball.

  ( ) 2. A. Mrs Young is short and strict.

  B. Mrs Young is tall and strict.

  ( ) 3. A. My favourite food is vegetables.

  B. My favourite food is vegetable salad.

  ( ) 4. A. We often read English books on Mondays.

  B. We often learn English songs on Mondays.

  ( ) 5. A. There is a TV and a chair in my bedroom.

  B. There is a TV and a sofa in my bedroom.


  My school is in a small (1) ________. There are some hills (2) ________

  the school. On the hills there are lots of flowers. There is a (3)

  ________ in front of my school. The water is clean. In summer we can (4)

  ________ in it. There aren’t any tall (5) ________ in my school. But

  it’s very beautiful. I love it.



  1. say day candy ( ) 2. zoo too noodles ( )

  3. rain way wait ( ) 4. book food good ( )

  5. show about sound ( )



  1. panda hill rabbit 2. bottle juice water

  3. clean nature dirty 4. pencil cartoon crayon

  5. snowy windy clothes


  1. There are many ______ (树) in the park.

  2. I like ______ (冰激凌). It’s so sweet.

  3. I often clean my study on _____ (星期五).

  4. Amy is from the USA. She can ______ (说汉语).

  5. The dog is ______ (在……中间) the table and the fridge.



  ( ) 1. --- ________

  ---I can draw pictures.

  A. What can John do? B. What can you do?

  C. Can you draw pictures?

  ( ) 2. ---Are there any mountains in Dengfeng (登封)?


  A. Yes, there is. B. No, there aren’t.

  C. Yes, there are.

  ( ) 3. ---________

  ---She’s hard-working.

  A. Who’s your friend? B. What’s your new friend like?

  C. What’s your father like?

  ( ) 4. ---Do you often listen to music?

  ---________ I like sports.

  A. Yes, I do. B. No, I can’t.

  C. No, I don’t.

  ( ) 5. ---________

  ---I’d like a hamburger and an apple.

  A. What would you like to eat? B. What would you like to drink?

  C. What’s your favourite food?



  A. Are there any tigers? B. Is there a lake in the park?

  C. Let’s go to the nature park. D. Yes, there are.

  E. Are there any animals in the park?

  Zip: It’s sunny today. (1) __________

  Zoom: Great! (2) __________

  Zip: Yes, there are.

  Zoom: (3) __________

  Zip: No, there aren’t. There are only birds and monkeys.

  Zoom: (4) __________

  Zip: Yes, there is. It’s very big.

  Zoom: Are there any small boats?

  Zip: (5) __________

  Zoom: Cool! We can go boating.


  I. 判断下列句子所描述的是哪幅图片的内容,将其标号填入题前括号内。(10分)

  A. B. C.

  D. E.

  ( ) (1) My art teacher is an old woman. She has glasses. She is kind,

  but sometimes she is strict.

  ( ) (2) My English teacher is young. She has short hair. She is kind

  and funny. We all like her.

  ( ) (3) My favourite food is beef noodles. I don’t like pepper. It is

  too hot.

  ( ) (4) My brother is ten years old. He’s strong. He often plays

  football on Saturdays.

  ( ) (5) My sister likes sandwiches very much. She has some sandwiches

  and juice for dinner.

  II. 根据短文内答,判断正(√)误(×)。(10分)

  Hello, I’m Robin. We’ll have a Christmas party next Sunday. Amy is very

  quiet. She can play the pipa. Chen Jie is friendly. She can’t play the

  pipa. She can dance for the party. Sarah likes music. She can sing

  English songs well. Zhang Peng is strong. He can’t dance well. He can do

  some kung fu. Wu Yifan is polite. He can’t do any kung Fu. He can draw

  cartoons for the party. I can’t draw pictures, but I can dance and sing

  Christmas songs. What can you do? Welcome to our party!

  ( ) (1) Amy can play the pipa.

  ( ) (2) Wu Yifan can’t do any kung fu.

  ( ) (3) Sarah can sing English songs and dance.

  ( ) (4) Zhang Peng can draw cartoons for the party.

  ( ) (5) Robin can sing Christmas songs for the party.


  请你仿照范例,用学过的语言帮助Zhang Peng介绍一下他的新房间。

  要求:(1) 写出物品在房间中的具体位置;(2) 语言准确,书写规范。

  例: There is a desk in my room.






