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发表时间:2022-10-08 | 本文内容及图片来源于读者投稿,如有侵权请联系我们。 我要投稿





  ( )1. A. before B. beside C. behind

  ( )2.A. hurt B. neck C. next

  ( )3.A. rest B. bad C. get

  ( )4.A. bed B. bad C. bat

  ( )5.A. walks B. work C. word

  ( )6.A. points B. plant C. prince

  ( )7. A. zoo B. street C. cinema

  ( )8.A. house B. home C. hospital

  ( )9. A. near B. along C. always

  ( )10. A. visit B. sit C. get

  二、听录音,根据所听问句, 选择正确的答句。(5’,听两遍)

  ( )1. A. Because I feel hot. B. Yes, I am.

  C.Because it’s my birthday today.

  ( )2.A. He should go to bed early. B. She should go to bed early.

  C. They should go to bed early.

  ( )3. A.Yes, there is. B. There’s a playground in our school.

  C. There are two pianos in the music room

  ( )4.A.It’s Cinderella’s. B. They’re Cinderella.

  C. They’re Cinderella’s.

  ( )5. A. Yes, I do. B. No, you aren’t. C. Yes, we are.


  ( )1. The hospital is very near here.

  ( )2. The man can take Bus No.16 to the hospital.

  ( )3. The hospital is on Green Street.

  ( )4. The man has a toothache.

  ( )5. The man should take a taxi.


  The Zoo is far from your _______. You can _______ a _______ there. You get on at_______ Station and get off at _______ _______ Station and then _______ to Star ______. There’s a _______ on the right. You can find the zoo _______ to it.



  ( ) 1. A. trousers B. dress C. tree

  ( ) 2. A. shoe B. chair C.sheep

  ( ) 3. A. ride B. bedtime C. film

  ( ) 4. A. metro B. before C. help

  ( ) 5. A. late B. about C. along


  1. fairy (复数) ________ 2.sit (第三人称单数) ________

  3. good (反义词) ________ 4. teeth (单数) ________

  5. should (否定形式) ________ 6. get on (反义词组) ________

  7. go (第三人称单数) ________ 8. they (宾格) ________

  9.Mike (名词所有格) ________ 10. can not (缩写形式) ________


  ( ) 1. Please put ________ the new shoes, Amy.

  A. in B. on C. at

  ( ) 2. We shouldn’t ________ sweets.

  A. eat too many B. eats some C. eat too much

  ( ) 3. My dad ________ so.

  A. think B. don’t think C. doesn’t think

  ( ) 4. I can’t drink ________eat now.

  A. and B. or C. too

  ( ) 5. I come out ________ Park Station.

  A. with B. from C. of

  ( ) 6. What’s wrong ________him?

  A. with B. for C. of

  ( ) 7. I can’t eat ________.

  A. anything B. something C. any

  ( ) 8. Why ________ he ________ a toothache?

  A. does, has B. does, have C. do, have

  ( ) 9. My mother ________ her legs.

  A. hurts B. hurt C. hurting

  ( ) 10. —Is the park far ________ the zoo?

  —No, it isn’t. It’s ________ the supermarket.

  A. to, to B. from, near C. for, on

  ( ) 11. Many girls ________ on the shoe, and it only ________ Cinderella.

  A. try; fit B. tries; fit C. try; fits

  ( ) 12. It’s very hot today. Please ________ the coat.

  A. take off B. put on C. try on

  ( ) 13. Can you show your new pen ________ us?

  A. for B. with C. to

  ( ) 14. I want ________ the kite now.

  A. flies B. flying C. to fly

  ( ) 15. —Why can’t we eat these sweets?

  — Because they’re bad ________ our teeth.

  A. to B. for C. at

  ( ) 16. —________ do you live?

  —I live near my school.

  A. What B. How C. Where

  ( )17. In the UK, we ask"Where’s the __________?"

  A. mushrooms B. restroom C. toilet

  ( )18. From the book, we know Mr.Ploppy is a ________.(朗文6)

  A. man B. fish C. frog

  ( )19. When Jane feels sick, she always___________.(快乐英语P29)

  A. sleeps B. sees the doctor C. Buys a lollipop

  ( )20. Sam is seven years old. He is a ____________.(快乐英语P11)

  A. man B. middle school(中学) student

  C. primary school(小学) student

  四、情景搭配, 从右栏中选出与左栏相应的答句。(10’)

  ( )1. Would you like some coffee? A.Yang Ling and Su Hai.

  ( )2. How many lessons do you have? B.They're Jim's.

  ( )3. Where do you live? C. Sorry, I don't know. I’m new here.

  ( )4. When does David go to the zoo? D. I live near City Library.

  ( )5. Whose clothes are these? E. Because it's my birthday.

  ( )6. Why are you so happy? F. No, I don't.

  ( )7. Do you see my football? G. He visits his uncle.

  ( )8. What does he often do on Sundays? H.Eight.

  ( )9. Who cleans the classrooms? I.Yes, please.

  ( )10. How can I get to the bookshop? J. Every weekend.


  1. Please come and help ________ (I).

  2. The dress ________ (not fit) me.

  3. I can’t hear ________ (good).

  4. I like ________ (read) fairy tales.

  5. —Where ________ your friend ________ (live)?

  —He ________ (live) in the UK.

  6. You should ________ (go) to bed early.

  7.That tall boy is a ________(王子). He’s very handsome(英俊的).

  8. I can’t go to school today ________ (因为)I have a fever.


  A. Look! Here’s a new dress for you.

  B. It’s 8:10.

  C. Wow! It’s time for the party. Why can’t you go to the party?

  D. Hi, Amy. What time is it now?

  E. Because I don’t have any new clothes.

  F. Great!

  G. Thank you. Let me put it on and go to th
